The Author

Fred and Trudy

“I met Fred in a Youth for Christ Camp in August 1958. I was the cook at that camp and he was a camper. I was from the north and he was a ‘southerner’. A different accent!! But there in that camp, when I discovered that Fred was interested in going to the mission field, I realized that my desire to serve the Lord, which had started many years before, could become a reality. That is, if I could meet Fred’s ‘requirements’! He had three requirements for any prospective wife: being born again, being a nurse, and having black hair. I was born again, I was a teacher, rather than a nurse, and I had blond hair. Look at him now: what a compromiser! BUT: I did become an RN and studied midwifery, since I could not find a job in teaching. No black hair, though!” –Trudy